
Frequently Asked Questions:

Seller Registration

  • Seller Registration
  • Appointments
  • Logistics
  • Travel & Accommodations

Seller Registration

Is Rendez-vous Canada by invitation only?

Yes, Rendez-vous Canada is by invitation only and is not open to the public. Please view our selection criteria for more information.

Can I purchase a ticket for one of the evening functions only?

No, Rendez-vous Canada does not sell tickets to official social functions. All social events are included in the delegate registration fee.

Can I bring a guest?

No, since Rendez-vous Canada is by invitation only. There is no spousal or child program.

Can I register as a seller without a booth package?

No. The primary delegate and booth package is a pre-requisite if the Seller company wants an additional delegate registration. Sellers cannot register as an additional Seller delegate without having a booth.

How can I purchase a one-day seller registration?

One-day registrations for Sellers are available as of February 19, 2024. The company registration contact will be able to purchase one-day registrations through their MyRVC Portal. Note there is an early bird fee until April 19; after that date, late fees apply.

When can I pick up my badge?

More information coming soon.

What happens if I lose my badge during the event?

Delegates can come to the registration desk for a new badge. A replacement fee of $200 will apply.

How do I change my company name?

Please email [email protected] to change your company name. Please note this will also be reflected on your booth sign on the marketplace floor. Company names cannot be changed after February 23, 2024 due to developing signage.

What is the deadline to register an additional delegate?

You can register an additional delegate to your company registration until May 10, 2024. Note there is an early fee until January 12; after that date, late fees apply.

When is the Marketplace open?

More information coming soon.


When can I begin requesting my appointments?

Appointment requests are made on a priority basis. TIAC members can begin requesting appointments on March 4, 2024 as part of the TIAC Member Advantage Program. Buyers and all other Sellers can begin requesting their appointments on March 18, 2024.

How many appointments can I book?

You can book a maximum of 78 appointments or 26 appointments per day.

How long is each appointment?

All appointments are 12 minutes in length with 3-minute breaks in between.

When will appointments be shared?

Appointment schedules will be posted to your MyRVC Portal on April 15, 2024.


Where is Rendez-vous Canada 2023 taking place?

In 2024, Rendez-vous Canada will be held at the Edmonton Convention Centre
9797 Jasper Ave
Edmonton, AB
T5J 1N9

What is the dress code?

Business or business casual.

Is there wireless internet available at Rendez-vous Canada?

Access to Wi-Fi will be provided, compliments of the Tourism Industry Association of Canada, to delegates on the marketplace floor to access email and connect to the Rendez-vous Canada Mobile App.

Note that this is not intended for web streaming. If you need high-speed internet for sales support, you may wish to order dedicated high-speed internet services through the Exhibitor Kit.

Where can I find an attendee list?

The online directory will be available to all registered Rendez-vous Canada delegates as of March 1, 2024 through your MyRVC Portal. Attendee lists are not available to the general public.

Where can I find the Marketplace floor plan?

More information coming soon.

Where can I find the schedule of events?

On the page called Event Schedule (in Mountain Daylight Time).

Are half-booths shared with another seller?

Half booths will encompass a 4’ wide x 10’ deep space with 3’ tall pipe and drape on each side and 8’ pipe and drape at the back. The term half booth is used to describe (1) full booth being split into (2) spaces.

Do I require liability insurance as a seller? If so, what is the amount I must possess?

Yes, you are required to have a $2 million minimum liability insurance. You must be able to provide proof of your liability insurance at anytime to the RVC Project Office.

Where can I find RVC 2024 Booth Policies & Guidelines document?

The Exhibitor Kit, Guidelines + Policies are now available.

Where can I find the Exhibitor Kit and order services from?

The Exhibitor Kit, Guidelines + Policies are now available.

What is the format of RVC 2024?

RVC 2024 is taking place in person and will be a seller-seated format.

What roles do Destination Canada and the Tourism Industry Association of Canada (TIAC) play?

Destination Canada holds the official mark for Rendez-vous Canada and has been responsible for the event since 1977. Since 1998, Rendez-vous Canada has been managed by the Tourism Industry Association of Canada (TIAC) on behalf of Destination Canada, including provincial, territorial and municipal/regional tourism authorities and the private sector.

How many seats are there at each lunch table?

There are 10 seats available at each table.

Travel & Accommodations

Are there airline discounts available for Rendez-vous Canada?

Airline discounts can be found on the page called How to Get There.

Does RVC offer discounts on car rentals?

RVC is not offering discounts on car rentals this year.

Does RVC offer special hotel rates for delegates?

Hotel information can be found on the page called Where to Stay. Note that Buyer and Media hotel accommodations are booked through the RVC Project Office.

How far is the airport from the Edmonton Convention Centre?

Approximately 30 minutes.

How far is the train station from the Edmonton Convention Centre?

Approximately 12 minutes.