Seller Selection Criteria

Selection Criteria

Rendez-vous Canada is a by-invitation-only event for qualified Sellers of Canadian travel products and services to engage with pre-qualified international Buyers of Canadian travel products and experiences, forge new contacts and strengthen existing partnerships, gain the inside track on Canadian tourism and where it’s headed, expand their network, and learn new and creative ways to market Canada to a global audience.

Qualified Sellers or Tourism Partners of Canadian travel products and services are invited to register for Rendez-vous Canada based on guidelines established by Rendez-vous Canada in consultation with provinces, territories and private sector industry representatives who participate in the annual event. Nominations and approval of Sellers, as well as booth sizes and booth partners (if applicable) are determined by their respective national, provincial, or territorial representatives.

Invitations, with login codes for registration, will be sent to qualified and approved Sellers and Tourism Partners starting in November 2024.

Export READI™ Criteria

Your organization must be "Export READI™" to attend Rendez-vous Canada.

To be considered “Export READI™,” an organization should:

  • Meet provincial or territorial marketing organizations’ export / trade-ready criteria;
  • Be in business at least one year, with a proven track record for safe and professional operation;
  • Provide contracted wholesale net rates to tour operators, travel wholesalers and retail travel agents;
  • Provide detailed pricing and program information to tour operators, travel wholesalers and retail travel agents at least one year in advance of selling season;
  • Carry adequate business liability insurance;
  • Provide support (free or reduced rates) for international media and FAM tours;
  • Hold all appropriate operating licences;
  • Be aware of target market consumer protection regulations and laws.

If your organization has never attended Rendez-vous Canada, and you believe you meet the selection criteria, please fill out the Seller Application Form.

View Selection Criteria for:

Selection Criteria for Sellers

  • Selection Criteria for Sellers
  • Selection Criteria for National Sellers
  • Selection Criteria for Destination Marketing Organizations (DMO)
  • Selection Criteria for Tourism Partners

Selection Criteria for Sellers

Qualified Sellers are defined as organizations that offer Canadian tourism products or packages for sale in the international market, who:

  • Have facilities and an administrative office in Canada;
  • Can demonstrate provision of an export ready travel product, saleable in the appropriate market and conforming with appropriate travel industry requirements;
  • Demonstrate they are prepared to enter into contract with Buyers during the marketplace (i.e. able to provide contracted wholesale net rates and honour these rates for the duration of the agreement);
  • Only sell Canadian packages or Canadian package components at Rendez-vous Canada;
  • Offer products which are immediately available, or available in time to meet the operational requirements of the Buyers in attendance.

Qualified Sellers are approved by provincial and territorial marketing organizations according to regional product development priorities. National Sellers can be nominated by the Tourism Industry Association of Canada and/or Destination Canada. For more information, please visit the Contact us section.


Sellers doing business in three or more regions of Canada may qualify for inclusion in the National section. Such Sellers are not automatically, nor required to be, classified as national Sellers. Priority will be given to those who conduct business in different regions of the country. See the following Selection Criteria for National Seller for more information.

If your organization has never attended Rendez-vous Canada, and you believe you meet the selection criteria, please fill out the Seller Application Form.

Selection Criteria for National Sellers


National Sellers are organizations that meet the definition and selection criteria of Sellers and conduct business (either by selling packages, products or marketing properties/facilities) in three or more provinces or territories in Canada:

  • Atlantic Canada (NB, NL, NS, PE)
  • Central Canada (ON, QC)
  • Western Canada (AB, BC, MB, SK)
  • Northern Canada (NU, NT, YT)

Membership with TIAC

Membership with the Tourism Industry Association of Canada (TIAC) places national organizations automatically in the first round of booth selection. This ensures that organizations supporting the Canadian tourism industry are given priority in securing their booth space.

Eligibility for Existing RVC Participants

For organizations already participating in Rendez-vous Canada, the province or territory delegation in which the organization is based must support the bid for national status. If the delegation initiates a request for a Seller to move to the national section, the Seller may have to give up booth space in their respective province or territory.

Eligibility for New RVC Participants

Organizations that do not currently participate in Rendez-vous Canada must take part in at least one international travel trade marketplace selling Canadian packages or products before attending RVC. This requirement ensures that National Sellers have experience in the international market.

If your organization has never attended Rendez-vous Canada in the past, and you believe you meet the selection criteria, please fill out the Seller Application Form.

Booth Allocation

The maximum number of booths available in the national section for one organization or a combination of associated brand names or affiliated companies is limited to one (1) full booth.

National organizations may contact the RVC Project Office to request placement on a second booth requisition list.

The decision regarding the allocation of a second booth will be made following the close of registration (May 1, 2025).

The option to select a full booth with the possibility to purchase a second booth, if available, will be offered once all participants have had an opportunity to select their booth space.

For details on double-booth registration, please refer to the Sellers Registration page.

RVC 2025 Objectives

The objectives of the National Seller selection policy for RVC 2025 are as follows:

  • Ensure that National Sellers represent businesses that actively engage in promoting and selling Canadian tourism products.
  • Promote national unity and inclusivity by giving organizations from various provinces and territories across Canada the opportunity to participate.
  • Support National organizations that are members of TIAC in recognition of their contribution to the Canadian tourism industry.

Selection Criteria for Destination Marketing Organizations (DMO)

Qualified Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs) represent a specific (city or regional) destination. They serve as the “official” contact point for the destination for tour operators, individual visitors and meeting professionals and must be recognized and approved by their respective provincial or territorial marketing organization.

DMOs registering as Sellers must:

  • Represent a Canadian destination;
  • Have an international marketing plan;
  • Demonstrate a provision of an export ready travel product, saleable in the appropriate market and conforming with appropriate travel industry requirements;
  • Demonstrate that they are prepared to enter into contracts with Buyers during the marketplace (i.e. able to provide contracted wholesale net rates and honour these rates for the duration of the agreement).


DMOs representing regional product consortiums that sell product direct to tour operators (functioning as regional receptive tour operator) may be eligible to register as Sellers if their participation is supported by the provincial or territorial coordinator.

If your organization has never attended Rendez-vous Canada, and you believe you meet the selection criteria, please fill out the Seller Application Form.

Selection Criteria for Tourism Partners

Tourism Partner organizations include other government departments, industry associations, airport authorities, internet service providers and travel trade media who provide information and services related to the tourism industry.

  • Tourism Partner organizations are nominated by the Tourism Industry Association of Canada, Destination Canada and/or provinces and territories;
  • This allows relevant organizations which do not meet the criteria for Seller or DMO to gain access to Rendez-vous Canada.

If your organization has never attended Rendez-vous Canada, and you believe you meet the selection criteria, please fill out the Seller Application Form.