Key Dates
TIAC Member – Appointment Requests Open
Buyer and Non-Member – Appointment Requests Open
Appointment Requests Deadline
Appointments Posted
Manual Appointment Requests Begin
The leaders of travel come together at Rendez-vous Canada to learn from and partner with Canadian tourism professionals to reshape their businesses and profit from the global demand for Canada. The marketplace is organized by national, provincial and territorial groupings where Buyers come to visit the Sellers in their booths for pre-scheduled appointments.
TIAC members receive early access to appointment requests on March 11 through the TIAC Member Advantage Program. Buyers and all other Sellers can begin making appointment requests on March 26.
TIAC Member – Appointment Requests Open
Buyer and Non-Member – Appointment Requests Open
Appointment Requests Deadline
Appointments Posted
Manual Appointment Requests Begin
This guide explains how to make appointment requests for Rendez-vous Canada (RVC) 2025 as a Buyer or a Seller.
Read guideBuyers and Sellers submit requests indicating who they would like to meet with, and assign a priority to each request. Appointment requests received via the online system by the deadline for submission (April 16, 2025, 11:59 p.m. EST) are processed by computer-generated match-making according to the following priorities:
On April 30, 2025, the match-making process is completed and manual appointments will open for Delegates to fill any remaining open slots.
Delegates can add, modify or cancel appointments through their MyRVC Portal or the Rendez-vous Canada mobile app. To maximize the time for all Buyers and Sellers, delegates who are unable to keep a scheduled appointment for any reason are requested to cancel as far in advance as possible to allow time to rebook appointments.